Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Implementation of UbD Lesson

I started to teach my UbD lesson to my students today. I have to say that the biggest difference about this unit of lessons is that I planned them with a set long term reading goal in mind. With most of the reading skills that I teach, I plan for the students to be exposed to the skill, to practice the skill, and then to be given many more opportunities to review the skill during the year. Because reading is developmental, I note the individual progress of my students as the year goes but I don't expect mastery of all reading skills by the end of any set time. (Some students naturally develop these skills early in the year and others take much longer.) But by beginning with the end goals in mind, the UbD process helped me to plan a series of lessons that should enable most of the students to find some success with rhyming by the end of the unit (which will only take a few weeks). I just started the first lesson today, but at the end of the day I was already thinking about how this process might help me to focus on the students that are struggling with big concepts a little bit earlier/quicker than I might have if I just planned the lesson with a one day objective. (I'm not sure that this is making sense, but hopefully you're getting my general idea.) Since I just started the unit today, that's about all that I have to report...I'll keep you posted.


Doreen said...

I am a first grade teacher in N.J. and am planning on using UbD and to also help other teachers to understand it, do you have any sample templates completed?

andrea mardones said...

Dear Ellen, I teach first grade at Nido de Aguilas International School in Chile. We are using the UbD planning method for our units and in all curriculum areas. Do you have any sample units you could share with us?
Andrea Mardones